





办公地点:江湾校区生科楼C401-405Room C405, Building of Life Sciences, Jiangwan campus




非编码RNA基于其种类繁多、数量巨大、功能多样等特征而被誉为生命科学研究中的“暗物质”。我们以拟南芥和入侵植物为研究对象,探索不同种类的非编码RNA,主要关注小RNA、套索RNA、转座子RNA,如何产生、如何发挥作用以及在植物生殖细胞命运决定和环境可塑性发育中发挥何种作用。我们近年的研究成果揭示了小RNA产生和效应复合体新的转录后调控机制、揭示了植物精细胞携带的特定非编码RNA促进种子早期细胞分裂、开发了RNA剪切反应中内含子形成的套索RNA的鉴定方法和功能研究体系、开辟了内含子套索RNA代谢调控和功能研究的新方向。在Dev Cell, PNAS, Plant Cell, PLoS Genet, Nat Commun, New Phytol等期刊以通讯作者身份发表多篇研究论文。目前实验室的研究工作主要集中于套索RNA和转座子RNA的代谢调控和生物学功能。

RNA biology in plants

Non-coding RNAs ubiquitously exist in plants and animals, which are involved various biological processes at the transcriptional and posttranscriptional levels. Our research uses Arabidopsis as the model system and focuses on non-coding RNAsespecially small RNA, lariat RNAs, TE RNA. We have been focused on how plant cells produce non-coding RNAs, how non-coding RNAs act in gene silencing, and what the biological consequences of non-coding RNAs during plant gametogenesis and early seed development. In my opinion, the most striking finding in my lab is that by developing a systemic method to identify lariat RNAs, traditionally as the “by-products” of RNA splicing, we demonstrate that lariat RNAs can be selectively retained to regulate various biological processes in a spatiotemporally regulated manner. Another interesting finding in my lab is that sperm-delivered miRNA triggers the first endosperm nuclear division event. Future work will focus on the mechanism of lariat RNA turnover, biological significance of lariat RNA accumulation, and roles of non-coding RNA-mediated epigenetic regulation in gamete cell fate determination and genome integrity in plants. We hope that studies in my lab about these fundamental mechanisms in plant epigenetics will help people understanding species biodiversity and evolution.






1994-2001 Central China Normal University, Bachelor and Master

2001-2006 Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology, CAS, Ph.D

2006-2012 University of California-Riverside and -Berkeley, Postdoc,

2012-present Fudan University, Professor


JIPBSeed BiolFront Plant Sci、植物学报Editor;中国细胞学会植物细胞分会副理事长、中国植物生理学会常务理事中国生物化学学会RNA专业委员会委员、上海植物生理学会秘书长、中国植物女科学家分会委员、中国植物青年科学家分会委员等

Editor, Journal of Integrative Plant BiologySeed BiologyFrontiers in Plant Science

Associate Editor, Frontiers in Plant Science

Committee, Chinese Society for Plant Biology

Committee, Chinese Society for RNA Biology



National Natural Science Foundation of China, Jiechu Qingnian Grant, Zhongdian Grant, Youxiu Qingnian Grant, Mobility Programme of Sino-German Center



Wei Zhiming Award of Chinese Society for Plant Biology, FOSUN medical Prize



Epigenetics, Advanced Interdisciplinary Biology Seminars, Plant Developmental Biology, Developmental Biology, RNA Biology


  1. Zhang Z, Zhang X, Tang Q, Li L, Jiang J, Fang Y, Zhang H, Zhai J, Ren G, Zheng B* (2023).A repertoire of intronic lariat RNAs reveals tissue-specific regulation and target mimicry potential in plants.Sci China Life Sci, in press.

  2. Jiang T, Zheng B* (2022). Epigenetic regulation of megaspore mother cell formation.Front Plant Sci, 12: 826871.

  3. Wang T, Zheng Y, Tang Q, Zhong S, Su W, Zheng B* (2021). Brassinosteroids inhibit miRNA-mediated translational repression by decreasing AGO1 on the endoplasmic reticulum.J Integr Plant Biol, 8: 1475-1590.

  4. Wang T, Zhang X, Zheng B* (2021). Identification of intronic lariat-derived circular RNAs in Arabidopsis by RNA deep sequencing. Method Mol Biol, 2362: 93-100.

  5. Zhao Y, Jiang T, Li L, Zhang X, Yang T, Liu C, Chu J, Zheng B* (2021).The chromatin remodeling complex ISWI controls stamen filament elongation by promoting JA biosynthesis in Arabidopsis. J Genet Genomics,48: 123-133.

  6. Wu W, Li L, Zhao Y, Zhao YS, Jiang T, McCormick S, Zheng B* (2021). Heterochromatic silencing mediated by ARID1 small RNA movement in Arabidopsis. New Phytol, 229: 3269-3280.

  7. Zhang X#, Zhang Y#,Wang T, Li Z, Cheng J, GeH, Tang Q, Chen K, Liu L, Lu C, Guo J, Zheng B*, Zheng Y*(2019). A comprehensive map of intron branchpoints and lariat RNAs in plants. Plant Cell, 31: 956-973.

  8. Zhong S, Xu Y, Yu C, Zhang X, Ren G, Wang Y, Ma J, Zheng Y, Zheng B* (2019). Anaphase Promoting Complex/Cyclosome regulates RdDM activity by degrading DMS3 in Arabidopsis.PNAS, 116: 3899-3908.

  9. Wu W, Zheng B* (2019). Intercellular delivery of small RNAs in plant gametes. New Phytol, 224:86-90.

  10. Zhao Y#, Wang S#, Wu W, Li L, Jiang T, Zheng B* (2018). Clearance of maternal barriers by paternal miR159 to initiate endosperm nuclear divisions in Arabidopsis.Nat Commun,9: 5011.

  11. Su C, Li Z, Cheng J, Li L, Zhong S, Liu L, Zheng Y., Zheng B* (2017). The protein phosphatase 4 and SMEK1 complex dephosphorylates HYL1 to promote miRNA biogenesis by antagonizing the MAPK cascade in Arabidopsis.Dev Cell, 41: 527-539.

  12. Li Z#, Wang S#, Cheng J, Su C, Zhong S, Liu Q, Fang Y, Yu Y, Lv H, Zheng Y*, and Zheng B* (2016). Intron lariat RNA inhibits microRNA biogenesis by sequestering the dicing complex in Arabidopsis.PLoS Genet,e1006422.